Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island


Insurance - Health

About Us

At Blue Cross, we’re dedicated to improving the health of our members and all Rhode Islanders by providing access to cost-effective, high-quality healthcare.

We’re leading the way to improve the healthcare delivery system in our state by:
-Offering innovative benefits that reward members for healthy choices.
-Partnering with primary care physicians to open patient-centered medical homes across the state. We’ve signed patient-centered medical home agreements with more than 25 percent of primary care physicians in the state, which will ultimately impact more than 100,000 members.
-Working hard to reinvigorate primary care through increased reimbursements for office visits, a loan forgiveness program, and a grant program for electronic health records.
-Moving toward compensation models that reward physicians for high-quality care instead of the number of services they provide.
-Supporting federal healthcare reform, including covering dependents to age 26 and holding educational sessions on the law.