Community Libraries of Providence


Libraries - Public

About Us

Community Libraries of Providence (CLPVD) is a network of nine neighborhood libraries: Fox Point, Knight Memorial, Mount Pleasant, Olneyville, Rochambeau, Smith Hill, South Providence,Wanskuck and Washington Park. With no central library or branches, CLPVD is the largest library system in Rhode Island and a member of the statewide Ocean State Libraries network.

CLPVD shares knowledge, skills and resources across our communities, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, physical location or economic status. We strive to create welcoming, creative and safe public spaces for everyone. Our libraries are places where people can exchange ideas, abilities, stories and culture and celebrate the vibrant diversity of our neighborhoods.

Here's just some of the things we do for PVD:

CLPVD means business! The Knight Memorial Entrepreneurship Center (KMEC), is our one-stop source of assistance and knowledge for entrepreneurs and artists. We're particularly focused on empowering the underserved BIPOC and Latino businesses who contribute so much to the city’s success;

We create opportunity through makerspaces humming with activity;

We connect neighborhoods with 200+ public computers and free WiFi;

We support education and schools, offering youth programs, class visits and homework help throughout the year;

We celebrate community;

We help our neighbors find resources and solutions;

We open doors and build partnerships.

Visit us today! We've always got something worth sharing with you.


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